Enrollment Update: Registration is open for all summer courses and intensives. Browse courses


Course Description

This course for the beginning screenwriter guides students through the process of executing a detailed step outline and drafting a first act.

Learner Outcomes

  • In the first half of the class, focus is on further developing their story, articulating the dramatic idea, considering plot, structure, character, and action and translating that into a working outline.
  • The second half of class is directed towards understanding the essential dramatic elements of a feature film set-up including the establishment of tone, theme, world, character, inciting incident, tension, and stakes.

Additional Information

  • Workshop-style class with students reading one another’s work and providing both written critique and focused and constructive feedback.
  • Students’ writing craft and technique is refined.


Script Analysis (NSRW 0280).

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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