Enrollment Update: Registration is open for fall adult and pre-college courses. Browse all

Academic Advising

Continuing and Professional Education has a team of knowledgeable advisors ready to assist you in your learning path. Please reach out to them at continuinged@newschool.edu to discuss what you want to learn.

ESL & Language Tutoring

The English Language Studies Center offers a free ESL Conversation Group and a free Pronunciation and Speaking Skills Workshop to continuing education and other students. Contact elsc@newschool.edu for more information.

Students enrolled in language courses have access to free tutoring services from fluency experts in all languages offered, including French, Chinese, Spanish, American Sign Language, and more. To schedule your appointment, contact the Languages department at languages@newschool.edu or 212.229.5676.

Career Resources

COVID-19 Resources for Job Seekers

COVID-19 Artist Resources
This document provides helpful information about grants and opportunities available for actors, authors, and musicians who are out of work due to the pandemic.

COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resources
This website provides an aggregated list of free resources, opportunities, and financial relief options available to artists of all disciplines.

The New School's Job Search Prep

The New School's Career Development and Experience team created the following job search prep resources for students.

Résumé Writing Guide

Cover Letter Writing Guide

Interview Skills Guide

Networking Guide

Portfolio Guide

Values Checklist

Job Search Guide

Skills Checklist

Curriculum Vitae Guide [PDF]

International Student Job Search Guide [PDF]

LGBTQ Career Development Guide [PDF]

Salary Negotiation [PDF]

Time Management Guide

Career Development and Experience does not advise continuing education students on careers one-to-one. However, continuing education students may receive limited access to the HireNew site to view/attend events, such as career fairs, job search workshops and employers' info sessions. To request access to events on HireNew, continuing education students may email careerservices@newschool.edu.

Using LinkedIn to Develop Your Career

Building a Professional Profile [PDF]

Networking Professionally [PDF]

Finding Your Career Passion [PDF]

Conducting Essential Employer Research [PDF]

Job Hunting Tips [PDF]

LinkedIn Etiquette Guide [PDF]

LinkedIn for Students: Top Five Profile To-Do's

LinkedIn for Students: Your Career Starts Here

Salary Comparison Tool

Continuing and Professional Education students have access to LinkedIn Learning through the University Library. Log in to my.newschool.edu to access the library's collection of databases, which includes LinkedIn Learning.

Networking & Recruiting Resources

The New School Network (global network of New School alumni)

AIGA/NY (professional membership association for design that connects designers and students with ideas, information, and one another)

American Photographic Artists - New York

Ellevate New York Chapter (networking organization for women)

IDNY: New York City Architecture + Design Meetup

IIDA New York Chapter (professional networking and educational association for the interior design community)

Museum Hue (multicultural platform for advancing people of color in the arts, culture, and museums)

NY Tech Alliance

Out Professionals (the nation's leading LGBT networking organization)

Women in Animation

Women Who Code (membership organization that helps women gain access to programs and services designed to help them advance in their tech careers)

Your Rights & Responsibilities

Academic Integrity [PDF]

Code of Conduct [PDF]

Civility Statement [PDF]

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Harassment, Discrimination & Title IX Policy

Report Harassment

Other University Policies

Information & Support Services

LGBTQ Resources

Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice

Student Disability Services

Veteran Services

Food Assistance

Campus Involvement

Public Programs and Events

Download The New School's Mobile App

Campus Security

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