Enrollment Update: Registration is open for all summer courses and intensives. Browse courses


Course Description

This course is an overview of the entire post-production and finishing process for students who have completed shooting a short film project. Editing topics including creating rhythm; dramatic arc and character emphasis in scenes; cutting on, after, and before movement; match cutting; symbolic and thematic editing; and A&B cutting for documentaries. The fundamentals of sound editing and design, color correction, screening formats for festivals, standard industry mastering options, and distribution. Class time is devoted to editing exercises, lectures, group discussions, and screenings. Access to guest film professionals.

Learner Outcomes

  • Editing topics including creating rhythm; dramatic arc and character emphasis in scenes; cutting on, after, and before movement; match cutting; symbolic and thematic editing; and A&B cutting for documentaries.
  • The fundamentals of sound editing and design, color correction, screening formats for festivals, standard industry mastering options, and distribution.

Additional Information

  • Class time is devoted to editing exercises, lectures, group discussions, and screenings.
  • Access to guest film professionals.


Filmmaking Studio 1 (NFLM 0366), Film 2: Intermediate Lab (NFLM 0362), Film 3: Advanced Pre-Production (NFLM 0367)and Film 4: Advanced Film Production (NFLM 0368).

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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