Enrollment Update: Apply now for Parsons Summer Intensive Studies courses (June and July sessions).  Browse all courses.


Course Description

This course introduces students to principles of game theory and fundamentals of interaction design. Students explore methods for creating analog and digital games by experimenting with a variety of physical objects and digital interfaces. They develop an understanding of game structure, play experience, and the community aspect of gaming culture. Students are introduced to basic coding, enabling them to create their own games using a range of software and open source programs. Studio work is supplemented by analysis of existing games, guest lectures by game designers, and peer-to-peer play testing.

NOTE: This course requires students to bring a modern computer laptop to class to complete course assignments outside of scheduled computer lab times. The New School provides all degree and credit-seeking students (enrolled in the current term) with subscriptions for the full Adobe Creative Cloud suite of applications.

Learner Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the iterative game design and creation process
  • Acquire the ability to incorporate game design principles and theory into a project
  • Demonstrate the ability to code in C# and Processing, as well as the use of the Unity Editor
  • Acquire an informed game design vocabulary when discussing and critiquing games
  • Demonstrate an understanding of a design studio practice by participating in a variety of activities, including lectures, demos, and discussions; individual and collaborative exercises and projects; and self and peer critiques

Additional Information

This course is one offering from our Parsons Summer Intensive Studies program. For more information on schedule, registration, and refund policies, see program details.

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