Enrollment Update: Enroll now in summer non-credit courses and apply for Parsons Summer Intensive Studies courses (international deadline April 1).

About This Program

The Parsons Scholars Program (PSP) enables youth from New York City public schools to study art and design as a means of self-discovery, securing social justice, and exploring educational and career paths. Parsons Scholars receive a three-year pre-college scholarship that covers the cost of studio coursework in the Parsons Pre-College Academy and Summer Intensive Studies programs, six transferable college credits, art supplies, transportation to all programs, meals, field trips, guest speaker visits, SAT prep, and college admission and financial aid guidance.

All PSP programming centers the identities of people of color from low-income backgrounds and builds on the rich legacy of people of color in the arts. Parsons Scholars are an integral part of a community of staff, faculty, youth advocates, and undergraduate mentors who share  their exciting creative practices. The Parsons Scholars Program experience allows students to build a strong foundation in art and design for future studies at Parsons and elsewhere, creative careers, critical thinking, social change, and community building. This unique program serves as a leading national model for college and career access and racial justice in art and design across communities of educators, artists, designers, and higher education institutions. 

See scholars.parsons.edu for more information and eligibility guidelines. To see Parsons Scholars in action, visit the blog.

Applications open every fall for tenth graders.

Please contact us at 212.229.8933 x4465 or parsonsscholars@newschool.edu.


The Parsons Scholars program is made possible by endowments established by Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence, The Haus of Gaga Fund for the Parsons Scholars, Sara Little Turnbull Foundation, The Kay Unger Family Foundation, Kaelen Haworth, and STAPLE Design. Additional support is provided by The New York Community Trust, Theodore Luce Charitable Trust, LF USA, The Pinkerton Foundation, Phyllis B. Kriegel, Jessica Weber, Maggie and Robert Boroujerdi, Jennifer Andrus Burroughs, The Chan Family Foundation, the Richard and Jean Coyne Family Foundation, The Robert and Alison Davis Family Foundation, Bloomingdale’s, William and Jane Corbellini, Beth Rudin DeWoody, The Estée Lauder Companies Charitable Foundation, Harvey and Audrey Feuerstein, Cynthia Friedman, the GC Scholarship Foundation, A. Mark Gibbel, Henry and Barbara Gooss, Victoria Hagan, OXO, Lela Rose, LuAnn Via, and other generous donors.

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