Enrollment Update: Enroll now in summer non-credit courses and apply for Parsons Summer Intensive Studies courses (international deadline April 1).

Parsons Academy Summer Programs

Parsons Academy Summer Programs

Learn with us next summer. Students in grades 3 through 12 can choose from several artistic disciplines, credit types, and formats, including our popular credit-bearing Summer Intensive Studies in New York and Paris.

Parsons Academy School Year Programs

Parsons Academy School Year Programs

Students in grades 3 through 12 can choose from classes in fine arts or design disciplines such as fashion, graphics, architecture, animation and more. Included are specialized portfolio development courses. Classes typically meet over 11 Saturdays in both fall and spring semesters.

Parsons Academy Certificate

Parsons Academy Certificate

High school students can earn a noncredit Parsons Academy Certificate by taking required classes over multiple semesters. This certificate program supports students as they create a college admissions portfolio. Our world-class faculty help students employ basic skills and original thinking in a collaborative environment.

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