Enrollment Update: Enroll now in summer non-credit courses and apply for Parsons Summer Intensive Studies courses.


Tuition is charged on a per-course basis. In addition to tuition, students are charged a non-refundable $40 registration fee once per term. For-credit summer courses are also subject to a refundable university fee which changes each semester.

Tuition for Continuing and Professional Education courses is determined annually by The New School. The cost of completing a certificate may vary based on electives chosen and time to complete. We aim for clarity and transparency in our tuition and fees. Contact us at continuinged@newschool.edu with any related questions.


Payment is due upon registration. Accepted forms of payment include credit or debit card issued by American Express, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Students who live in countries outside of the United States may make payment via an International bank. The New School has partnered with PayMyTuition to make it safe and convenient for international students to pay their tuition using their local currency. If you plan to use PayMyTuition to pay for your courses, a program advisor will need to enroll you into courses. Please contact continuinged@newschool.edu to get enrolled and to use the PayMyTuition service. Please see this page for PayMyTuition instructions in several languages.

Employee Tuition Waiver & Alumni Discount

The New School offers a tuition waiver benefit for courses taken at the university once an employee has completed three months of continuous service. This benefit is available to faculty, staff, and eligible family members (spouse, same- or opposite-sex Qualified Domestic Partner, and children of any age). Tuition waiver benefits apply to tuition and mandatory fees. Please read the Tuition Waiver Plan Policies for Full-time Faculty and Staff and for Part-Time Faculty available on the Human Resources website for detailed information and potential tax implications.

New School alumni are eligible to receive a discount on noncredit continuing education courses. Request your personal discount code through Alumni Relations.

Children of alumni are not eligible for the discount.

For further assistance, please contact the Registrar's Office at reghelp@newschool.edu.

Third-Party Tuition Payment

Veterans and students whose tuition will be paid by their employer or another sponsor can arrange for third-party payment by contacting myaccount@newschool.edu. Veterans should contact the Veterans Registrar and Financial Services at vahelp@newschool.edu to discuss their benefits and eligibility to engage in coursework. Students whose tuition will be paid by their employer or another sponsor should contact continuinged@newschool.edu to arrange for course enrollment.

Add/Drop & Withdrawals

Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with university policies regarding adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses and resulting refunds of tuition and fees.

Deadlines for adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses are based on the length of the course. 

Adult Continuing Education Courses

Students may add and drop courses during the first week of classes.

Parsons Academy

Students enrolled in Parsons Academy fall and spring courses may add and drop courses during the first week of classes.

Summer Programs

See individual Youth & Pre-College summer programs and College & Adult summer programs for add/drop deadlines for each program.

Refund Schedule and Policies

Once you enroll in a course, you agree to the refund policy attached to that course. Students are strongly encouraged to read the refund policy for each course. Refund policies vary by course and each continuing education unit. The refund schedule and refund dates for each course is presented during the course registration process. It is the responsibility of the student to understand the terms of the refund before enrolling and agreeing to make any type of payment for a course.  Continuing and Professional Education is not responsible for travel or related costs under any circumstances. 

If you stop attending a class, you must drop or withdraw from the class to qualify for a refund. Simply notifying the instructor that you will no longer attend does not constitute withdrawal.

Refunds are computed from the date and time the course is dropped.

The Registration/University Services Fee is not refundable unless you are withdrawing because the university canceled the course.

Refunds are disbursed through the method originally used for payment. Refund processing time is approximately three weeks.

See below for detailed refund schedules for Adult Continuing Education Courses as well as Parsons Summer Intensive Studies and Youth & Pre-College Programs.

Adult Continuing Education Course Refunds

The deadline to obtain a 100% refund is 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, seven days from the start of the course. (For example, if a class starts on Monday, the following Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET would be the last day to drop a course for the full refund.) After the first week of a course, The New School retains a percentage of tuition for each week, or part of a week, that a student remains registered.

View the Registrar's website for information regarding exceptions to registration dates and refund policies.

Please note: All refund schedules are effective until 11:59 p.m. ET on a specified date.

5 Week Online Classes
Course Drop or Withdrawal Date Percentage of Tuition Refunded
Within the first week of class 100
8 to 14 days from the class start date 50
15 or more days from the class start date 0
6 to 8 Week Online Classes
Course Drop or Withdrawal Date Percentage of Tuition Refunded
Within the first week of class 100
8 to 14 days from the class start date 50
15 to 21 days from the class start date 25
22 or more days from the class start date 0
9 Week or Longer Online Classes
Course Drop or Withdrawal Date Percentage of Tuition Refunded
Within the first week of class 100
8 to 14 days from the class start date 75
15 to 21 days from the class start date 50
22 to 28 days from the class start date 25
29 or more days from the class start date 0
5 Week On-Campus Classes (10 Sessions)
Course Drop or Withdrawal Date Percentage of Tuition Refunded
Before the second class session 100
Before the third class session 75
Before the fourth class session 50
Before the fifth class session 25
From the fifth class session and later 0
9 Week or Longer On-Campus Classes
Course Drop or Withdrawal Date Percentage of Tuition Refunded
Within the first week of class 100
8 to 14 days from the class start date 75
15 to 21 days from the class start date 50
22 to 28 days from the class start date 25
29 or more days from the class start date 0
Courses Offered by the Schools of Public Engagement (15 Week Sessions)
Course Drop or Withdrawal Date Percentage of Tuition Refunded
Add/Drop through Feb. 4 100
Feb. 5 to Feb. 11 75
Feb. 12 to Feb. 18 50
Feb. 19 to Feb. 25 25
Withdrawal on or after Feb. 26 to May 15 0
Refunds for Canceled Courses

The New School reserves the right to cancel courses or adjust curriculum. Courses are canceled typically because of insufficient enrollment, withdrawal of the instructor, or inability to secure appropriate instructional space. If your course is canceled, you will be notified by the Registrar's Office and asked whether you wish to transfer to another course or to receive a full refund of tuition and fees. If you are in a certificate program, please consult with a program advisor if a required course is canceled.

Refunds are disbursed through the method originally used for payment. Refund processing time is approximately three weeks.

Refunds for Certificate Bundles

Select certificate courses can be purchased as a bundle with a discounted pricing. The bundle payment is refundable only within the first 48 hours of purchase. After 48 hours it is nonrefundable. We currently offer the bundle option for the following certificates:

Parsons Academy Fall and Spring Program Refunds

Please note: All refund schedules are effective until 11:59pm ET on a specified date.

Parsons Academy 11 Weeks On Campus
Course Drop or Withdrawal Date Percentage of Tuition Refunded
Within the first week of class 100
8 to 14 days from the class start date 75
15 to 21 days from the class start date 50
22 to 28 days from the class start date 25
29 or more days from the class start date 0

Parsons Summer Intensive Studies & Parsons Summer Academy Refunds

Please note: All refund schedules are effective until 11:59pm ET on a specified date.

Parsons Summer Intensive Studies: Pre-College and College/Adult


  • College/Adult, Session 1: June 3 - 21
  • Pre-College, Session 1: June 10 - 28
  • Pre-College & College/Adult, Session 2: July 8 - 26
Course Drop or Withdrawal Date Percentage of Tuition Refunded
Session 1 Session 2
On or before May 1 On or before June 1 100 minus $200 cancellation fee
May 2 through May 15 June 2 through June 15 50 minus $200 cancellation fee
May 16 and later June 16 and later 0 minus $200 cancellation fee

* If you need to cancel your New School summer housing accommodations, please email summer@newschool.edu.

2 Week August Academy for Grades 3-12

Parsons Summer Academy (July 29 - August 9)

Course Drop or Withdrawal Date Percentage of Tuition Refunded
On or before July 1 100
July 2 through July 15 50
July 16 and later 0
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