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Course Description

This course introduces students to various presentation methods that enable them to clearly communicate their ideas through 2D media and the development of a collection. Students will focus on the communicative power of images through visual media using a variety of drawing and digital techniques with the goal of evolving their own individual aesthetic. Engagement with observational drawing from the live fashion model, photography, digital image creation, and video, are integral components that help bring the student’s design ideas to life. Students build skills in observation, expression of ideas, and visual organization to create a personal blog or book. Field trips to designer studios and museums along with guest lectures from practicing professionals inform the students’ knowledge of New York’s fashion industry.

NOTE: This course requires students to bring a modern computer laptop to class to complete course assignments. The New School provides all degree and credit-seeking students (enrolled in the current term) with subscriptions for the full Adobe Creative Cloud suite of applications.

Learner Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of vocabulary reflective of fashion history, clothing and construction, fabrication, and branding
  • Explore and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of primary and secondary research methods to develop a design point of view
  • Demonstrate an understanding of analog and digital drawing and imaging mediums and styles to visually communicate different phases of the fashion design process including concept, color story, textile and surface design, garment design, and presentation.
  • Manipulate fabrics and other materials through handcraft as a starting point for design concept
  • Contextualize fashion design and communication through field trips and guest speakers
  • Develop clear means of opinion/point of view verbally and in writing
  • Demonstrate an understanding of a design studio practice by participating in lectures, demos, and discussions; individual and collaborative exercises and projects; and self and peer critiques

Additional Information

This course is one offering from our Parsons Summer Intensive Studies program. For more information on schedule, registration, and refund policies, see program details.

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