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Course Description

The objective of the course is to offer a global perspective on the phenomenon of climate-induced migration towards cities, and its effect on human mobility and urbanization patterns. The course will review research at the intersection of environmental, migration and urban studies drawing from a variety of sources from different disciplines (academia, arts, journalism). It will discuss the role of cities in responding to climate-related challenges and for welcoming, accommodating and integrating new migrants. Particular focus will be given to the experiences of environmental marginality attributed to a lack of recognition of citizenship rights and the responses occurring through informal and organized livelihood strategies.

Course Outline

Week One:

  • Introduction
  • Mobility in the Age of Anthropocene


Week Two:

  • Environmental Change and Mobility: Concepts, Evidence and Myths


Week Three:

  • Climate as a Driver of Urbanization: Cities as Places of Arrival


Week Four:

  • Discussion Case: Lagos Case Study


Week Five:

  • Resilient Communities, Governance and Adaptations for the Mobile and the Poor Migration, Cities and Climate: Contested Politics


Week Six:

  • Cities in the Global Governance of Environmental Migration Future Challenges and Opportunities

Learner Outcomes

  • Gain familiarity with migration drivers and particularly with the concept of environmental migration to cities
  • Develop an understanding of urbanization patterns under climate change, and explore the role of cities as integrated systems and areas of refuge and vulnerability
  • Practice reading, interpreting, analyzing and critiquing theoretical concepts and evidence relating to contemporary climate migration trends
  • Demonstrate an ability to think critically and problematize questions of environmental mobility in different urban contexts
  • Practice case study analysis from experiences of different regions, cities and neighborhoods

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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