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Course Description

With over 281 million international migrants, human mobility has increasingly become a top priority on local, national and international agendas. Community organizations, international institutions, NGOs and governments around the world are responding in different ways to the realities of migration, from its root causes, the challenges faced during transit, to access to rights in the country of destination, the organization and mobilization of diasporas, or return to the country of origin. At the same time, migrants resist existing boundaries, offer alternative responses, organize and express transborder identities that challenge traditional definitions of citizenship and constructions of national belonging.

This course will offer students the opportunity to understand and analyze contemporary global migration flows, their causes and effects, the various ways in which migrants experience these processes, and the policies, institutions and grassroots organizations that respond to these flows across countries and regions. Our discussions will be informed by interdisciplinary academic sources, documentaries, films, literature and news media.

This course is required for the Certificate in Migration Studies.

Learner Outcomes

  • Critically analyze the definitions and categories used in academic literature and policy debates related to migration
  • Critically examine the various causes for migration, the different types of migration and the processes of migration through emigration, transit, settlement and return
  • Identify the different actors that shape and challenge existing policies, norms and systems

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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