Enrollment Update: Apply now for Parsons Summer Intensive Studies courses (June and July sessions).  Browse all courses.


Course Description

With digital cameras and computer editing equipment widely accessible, the possibility of creating engaging, professional-quality moving images is within virtually everyone's reach. Digital video is an exciting and powerful medium of expression, but knowing how to use the tools isn't enough to enable you to create a coherent and articulate video project. This course can help artists in any genre create works that are both technically and conceptually sound. Students work toward this goal by learning digital video editing and using it to experience the power of editing as creative expression. They are also introduced to production techniques, including the use of the digital camera, storyboarding, and basic lighting and sound. Several short video projects are completed during the term. There are no prerequisites, but familiarity with the Macintosh is assumed. Students have access to New School digital video cameras and editing software but must have a firewire drive.
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