Enrollment Update: Register for spring courses or apply for Parsons Summer Intensive Studies courses now.

Program Streams

CAML 0500 - ESLM Seven Lessons
CAML 0700 - ESLM Additional Seven Lessons
GECO 5002 - Math Camp/Intensive
GECO 5003 - Statistics Camp
GMIG 0101 - Forced Migration
GMIG 0102 - Global Mobility
GMIG 0103 - Human Rights of Migrants
GMIG 0104 - Environmental Mobility
GMIG 0105 - Global Mental Health
GMIG 0106 - US Immigration Law and Policy
GMIG 0107 - Trafficking
GMIG 0108 - Exile
GMIG 0109 - Cities and Migration
NANT 3423 - Anthropology of Home
NARB 1101 - Arabic Intro 1
NARB 1102 - Arabic Intro 2
NARH 0102 - Museum Studies: Introduction
NARH 3733 - Contemporary Art: participation/action/change
NARH 3874 - Housing the Modern Dweller
NCHM 1101 - Chinese Intro 1
NCHM 1102 - Chinese Intro 2
NCHM 2101 - Chinese Intermediate 1
NCOM 0300 - Introduction to Media Studies
NCOM 0405 - Audio Production
NCOM 3000 - Introduction to Media Studies
NCOM 3115 - Digital Storytelling
NCST 2103 - Intro: Critical Race/Ethnicity
NCST 3211 - You're So Funny
NELP 0898 - Graduate Writing & Research Studio 2
NELP 0899 - Graduate Writing & Research Studio 3
NELT 0411 - Methods for Teaching ELLs
NELT 0412 - English Grammar for ESL Teachers
NELT 0414 - Teaching the Sound System of English
NELT 0416 - ESL Teaching Practicum
NELT 0438 - Assessment in the Language Classroom
NESL 0101 - Grammar of English General
NESL 0110 - Academic Writing General
NESL 0120 - Listening/Speaking General
NESL 0130 - Reading General Section
NFDS 0019 - Black Farmers & Foodways: United States
NFDS 0050 - Intro to Food Studies
NFDS 0110 - Culinary Luminaries
NFDS 0240 - Kids and Food
NFDS 0301 - Food Fight! Role Food Advocacy
NFDS 0906 - NYC Eats: Food, People, Places
NFLM 0240 - Intro to Cinema Studies
NFLM 0250 - Movements in World Cinema 1
NFLM 0251 - Movements in World Cinema 2
NFLM 0270 - Film/TV Decades: the 60s
NFLM 0271 - Film/TV Decades: the 70s
NFLM 0272 - Film/TV Decades; the 80s
NFLM 0315 - Cinematography and Lighting
NFLM 0341 - The Art of Film
NFLM 0345 - Business of Screenwriting
NFLM 0346 - The Producer's Role
NFLM 0349 - Art & History of Documentary
NFLM 0351 - The Aesthetics of Directing
NFLM 0352 - Non-Camera Filmmaking
NFLM 0355 - Topics in Film Genre: Sci-Fi
NFLM 0362 - Film 2: Intermediate Lab
NFLM 0363 - Experiments in 16mm Filmmaking
NFLM 0366 - Film 1: An Introduction
NFLM 0367 - Film 3: Advanced Pre-Production
NFLM 0368 - Film 4: Advanced Film Production
NFLM 0369 - Film 5: Advanced Post-pro Workshop
NFLM 0370 - Digital Video Production
NFLM 0371 - Documentary Production Workshop
NFLM 0372 - Digital Editing: Art & Technique
NFLM 0381 - Films of Douglas Sirk
NFLM 0382 - Films of Pedro Almodovar
NFLM 0383 - Films of Ava DuVernay
NFLM 0532 - Dig Video Prod: DIY Filmmaker
NFLM 3155 - Topics in Film Genre: Sci-Fi
NFLM 3411 - The Art of Film
NFLM 3489 - Art & History of Documentary
NFLM 3510 - The Aesthetics of Directing
NFLM 3660 - Film 1: An Introduction
NFLM 3670 - Film 3: Advanced Pre-Production
NFLM 3700 - Digital Video Production
NFRN 1101 - French Intro 1
NFRN 1102 - French Intro 2
NFRN 2101 - French Intermediate 1
NFRN 2102 - French Intermediate 2
NFRN 3724 - Adv. French for Acting & Media
NGRM 1101 - German Intro 1
NGRM 1102 - German Intro 2
NHIS 0009 - Revolutionary Women
NHIS 3313 - Mapping, Discovery, Empire
NHIS 4364 - History, Biography, Fiction
NHUM 0035 - Introduction to Performance Studies
NHUM 2035 - Introduction to Performance Studies
NINT 6005 - International Fieldwork
NINT 6009 - Security, Society, & Migration IFP/Remote Studio I
NINT 6010 - Security, Society, & Migration IFP/Remote Studio II
NINT 6011 - IFP: Cuba Remote Studio
NITL 1101 - Italian Intro 1
NITL 1102 - Italian Intro 2
NJPN 1101 - Japanese Intro 1
NJPN 1102 - Japanese Intro 2
NJPN 2101 - Japanese Intermediate 1
NJPN 2102 - Japanese Intermediate 2
NKRN 1101 - Korean Intro 1
NKRN 1102 - Korean Intro 2
NLIT 0300 - Middlemarch for the 21st Century
NLIT 0534 - Dark Green: Eco-fiction for the 21st Century
NLIT 0542 - Andersen, Carroll, Wilde, and Rossetti
NLIT 0761 - Power & Privilege in African Literature
NLIT 0807 - The Literature of Forgiveness
NLIT 0834 - Mystery Masterworks
NLIT 3006 - Literature IS Translation
NLIT 3505 - Latinx Lit: Speculative Fictio
NLIT 3531 - Dostoevsky I
NLIT 3542 - Andersen, Carroll, Wilde, and Rossetti
NLIT 3807 - The Literature of Forgiveness
NLIT 3834 - Mystery Masterworks
NLST 1555 - Latinx Media
NLTN 1103 - Practical Latin
NMDS 0423 - Creative Screenwriting
NMDS 0433 - Digital Filmmaking: Post-Production
NMDS 0567 - Cinematography & Lighting
NMDS 5367 - Literary Translation Lab
NMGM 0205 - Digital Democracy Forum
NMGM 0206 - Principles for a Fair Economy
NMGM 0207 - Eco Radicals: The Legacy of Revolutionary Cooperatives
NMGT 0010 - Introduction to Management, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship
NMGT 0030 - Social Entrepreneurship
NMGT 0112 - Big Data: Consumer Research
NMGT 0116 - Arts and Cultural Marketing: Selling What Makes New York City Interesting
NMGT 0120 - Public Relations: Practice and Critique
NMGT 0140 - Entrepreneurship
NMGT 0300 - The Basics of Investment
NMGT 0310 - Socio-Tech Innovation
NMGT 0400 - Introduction to Non-Profit Management
NMGT 0423 - Leadership in Context
NMGT 2000 - Intro to MLE
NMGT 2140 - Entrepreneurship
NMGT 2400 - Introduction to Non-Profit Management
NMGT 2423 - Leadership in Context
NMGT 3032 - Tech, Knowledge & Info Sys Mgt
NMGT 3402 - Group Dynamics & Team Skills
NMUS 3591 - Music, Women & Gender
NPHI 3220 - Marxist Theory & Its Relevance
NPHI 3288 - Human Rights
NPHI 3550 - Decolonial Thought
NPHI 3565 - Barbarians and Savages
NPOL 3281 - International Criminal Law
NPOL 3571 - Law and Terrorism
NPSY 0001 - Fundamentals of Psychology
NPSY 0003 - Careers in Counseling & Psychology
NPSY 0140 - Introduction to Neuropsychology
NPSY 0202 - Psychology, Tech & Design
NPSY 0220 - Psychology of Adolescence
NPSY 0301 - Intro to Social Psychology
NPSY 0339 - Psychology, Tech & Ethics
NPSY 0347 - Intro to Cultural Psychology
NPSY 0401 - Theories of Personality
NPSY 0444 - Psychology of Dreams
NPSY 0500 - Forensic Psychology
NPSY 0501 - Intro to Abnormal Psychology
NPSY 0601 - Psychology and Sexuality
NPSY 0610 - Cognitive Psychology
NPSY 0630 - Trauma Politics and Culture
NPSY 0646 - Mindfulness and Meditation
NPSY 0841 - Psychology of Women and Gender
NPSY 0844 - Psychology of Masculinity
NPSY 2010 - Introductory Statistics
NPSY 2256 - Developmental Psychology
NPSY 2501 - Abnormal Psychology
NPSY 3646 - Mindfulness and Meditation
NPSY 3820 - Media Psychology
NPSY 3843 - Health Psychology
NPSY 4003 - Careers in Counseling & Psych
NSLN 1104 - American Sign Language Intro 2
NSPN 1101 - Spanish Intro 1
NSPN 1102 - Spanish Intro 2
NSPN 2101 - Spanish Intermediate 1
NSPN 2102 - Spanish Intermediate 2
NSPN 2731 - Conversational Spanish
NSRW 0280 - Script Analysis
NSRW 0354 - Writing and Producing for TV
NSRW 0356 - Selling Your Script: TV & Film
NSRW 0381 - Screenwriting 1: The First Act
NSRW 0382 - Screenwriting 2
NSRW 0383 - Screenwriting 3
NSRW 0385 - Sitcom Writing 1
NSRW 0386 - Sitcom Writing 2
NSRW 0387 - Episodic and Procedurals: Crafting The Original One-Hour Pilot
NSRW 0388 - Introduction to Writing for Screenwriters
NSRW 2800 - Script Analysis
NSRW 3811 - Introduction to Writing for Screenwriters
NSRW 3820 - Screenwriting 2
NSRW 3842 - Sitcom Writing 1
NSRW 3852 - Episodic and Procedural
NURP 0100 - Platform Co-ops Now!
NURP 0102 - Cooperate to Own the Future
NWRW 0003 - Global Citizen Initiative–Creative Writing at Parsons Paris
NWRW 0301 - Introduction to Fiction
NWRW 0327 - The Great American Short Story
NWRW 0358 - Books for Writers
NWRW 0361 - Writing for NYC Newspapers, Magazines, and Webzines
NWRW 0403 - Introduction to Creative Nonfiction
NWRW 0410 - Writing Memoirs
NWRW 0545 - Personal Essay and Memoir
NWRW 0625 - How To Kickstart Your Writing Routine
NWRW 0725 - Online Immersion: Fiction
NWRW 0726 - Online Immersion: Nonfiction
NWRW 0727 - Online Immersion: Poetry
NWRW 0845 - Poetry & the Creative Process
NWRW 1030 - Writing for Artists
NWRW 2306 - Mechanics of Fiction
NWRW 2401 - Introduction to Creative Nonfiction
NWRW 2625 - How To Kickstart Your Writing Routine
NWRW 3016 - Short Form Nonfiction
NWRW 3111 - Walking in New York
NWRW 3205 - Poetry The Language of Music
NWRW 3231 - Experiments with Poetic Forms
NWRW 3356 - The Open Space of Silence
NWRW 3357 - Form & Function: Stylish Prose
NWRW 3358 - Books for Writers
NWRW 3403 - Finding Your Voice in Nonfiction
NWRW 3405 - Literary Nonfiction: Art in Everyday
NWRW 3545 - Personal Essay and Memoir
NWRW 3601 - Writing for NYC Newspapers, Magazines, and Webzines
NWRW 3725 - Online Immersion: Fiction
NWRW 3726 - Online Immersion: Nonfiction
NWRW 3727 - Online Immersion: Poetry
NWRW 3845 - Poetry & the Creative Process
NWRW 3999 - Writers Gym
PCDD 0201 - AutoCAD 1
PCDD 0202 - Rhino 1
PCDD 0203 - SketchUp
PCDD 0310 - 3D Modeling Fundamentals
PCDD 0311 - Introduction to Web & Mobile
PCDD 0312 - Web Design Production
PCDD 0313 - Mobile Design Patterns & Platforms
PCDD 0314 - Interactive Typography
PCDD 0315 - Design Systems
PCDD 0316 - Web Development II: Advanced
PCDD 0317 - Working with API's and AJAX
PCDD 0318 - Experimental JavaScript
PCDD 0321 - Introduction to UX: User Research
PCDD 0322 - Foundations of Interaction Design
PCDD 0323 - UX Design for Emerging Platforms
PCDD 0324 - Usability Testing & Evaluation
PCDD 0325 - UX/UI Portfolio
PCDD 0330 - Storytelling with Motion Graphics and Animation
PCDD 0331 - Motion Design 1 with After Effects
PCDD 0332 - Motion Design 2 with After Effects
PCDD 0350 - Animation Fundamentals
PCDD 0400 - Digital Core: Photoshop, Adobe
PCDD 0401 - Digital Imaging with Photoshop
PCDD 0402 - Digital Graphics with Illustrator
PCDD 0403 - Digital Layout: Adobe InDesign
PCDD 0450 - Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro
PCDD 0506 - Fundamentals of Revit / BIM
PCFA 0110 - Color Theory
PCFA 0114 - Painting 1
PCFA 0115 - Painting 2
PCFA 0150 - Collage
PCFA 0151 - Mixed Media:Contemporary Fusion
PCFA 0190 - Project Studio
PCFA 0201 - Introduction to Contemporary Jewelry Design
PCFA 0210 - Introduction to Bookbinding
PCFA 0503 - Life Drawing
PCFA 0601 - Illustration as a Visual Language
PCFD 0101 - Design Sketching 1
PCFD 0105 - Fashion Flats
PCFD 0202 - Patternmaking
PCFD 0230 - Construction Techniques 1
PCFD 0231 - Construction Techniques 2
PCFD 0302 - Worth to Westwood: Fashion History
PCFD 0320 - Fashion Trends
PCFD 0401 - Medium of Fashion: Textiles, Structure, and Surface
PCFD 0451 - Medium of Fashion: Textiles
PCFD 0452 - Fashion Styling
PCFD 0501 - Fashion Portfolio
PCFD 0502 - Professional Practices: Fashion
PCFD 0550 - Fundamentals of Clo3D
PCFD 0551 - Clo3D Patternmaking & Construction
PCFD 0552 - Clo3D Design: Surface Design, Trims, and Hardware
PCFD 0553 - Clo3D Presentation: Styling and Animation
PCFD 0600 - Putting Sustainability into Practice
PCFD 0601 - New Roles for Fashion Designers
PCFD 0602 - Slow and Regenerative Fashion
PCFD 0603 - Sustainable Wardrobe Practices
PCFD 0804 - Fashion Entrepreneurship
PCFD 0805 - Consumer Behavior
PCFD 0806 - Fashion Merchandising
PCFD 0808 - Online Retailing
PCFD 0809 - Fashion Marketing Global Environment
PCFD 0810 - Experiential Marketing
PCFD 0811 - Influencer Marketing and Celebrity Relations
PCFD 0812 - Fashion Buying
PCFD 0814 - Fashion Industry Profile: NYC
PCGA 0101 - Typography 1
PCGA 0102 - Introduction to Graphic Design
PCGA 0112 - Graphic Design 2
PCGA 0201 - Brand Identity
PCGA 0220 - Print Production in a Digital World
PCGA 0301 - Graphic Design History
PCGA 0501 - Graphic Design Portfolio
PCGA 0502 - Professional Practices: Graphic Design
PCHM 0606 - Sustainable Building: Materials Guide for a Healthy, Circular, Affordable Future
PCID 0101 - Basic Interior Space Planning
PCID 0102 - Basic Drafting
PCID 0106 - Drawing Interiors: Perspective
PCID 0110 - Residential Interior Design
PCID 0111 - Commercial Interior Design
PCID 0121 - Interior Lighting
PCID 0123 - Kitchen Interior Design
PCID 0124 - Bathroom Interior Design
PCID 0131 - Product Design Foundations
PCID 0132 - How To Prototype a New Product Idea
PCID 0133 - How To Launch a New Product Idea
PCID 0200 - Lighting Fundamentals and Technologies
PCID 0201 - Lighting Design Criteria and Considerations
PCID 0202 - Designing a Lighting System
PCID 0250 - Introduction to Hospitality Interior Design
PCID 0251 - Hospitality Design for Public Spaces
PCID 0252 - Designing for the Guest Experience
PCID 0501 - Interior Design Portfolio
PCID 0502 - Professional Practices: Interior Design
PCPH 0100 - Digital Photography Fundamentals: The Camera
PCPH 0101 - Photography Composition Studio
PCPH 0102 - Digital Photography Workflow: Adobe Lightroom
PCSP 0804 - Social Media Marketing
PCSP 0807 - Programmatic, Mobile, and Native Marketing
PCSP 0808 - Digital Marketing Campaigns
PCSP 0809 - Fundamentals of Digital Marketing and Communications
PCSP 0815 - Introduction to Design Thinking
PCSP 0830 - Data Visualization 101
PCSP 0833 - Data & Analytics for Visualization & Business Intelligence
PCSP 0834 - Data Visualization Portfolio Development
PCSP 0839 - Information Design for Infographics and Visual Storytelling
PCSP 0850 - Design Futures 101
PCSP 0851 - Immersive Scenario Planning
PCSP 0860 - Fundamentals of Illustrated Journalism and Memoir
PCSP 0861 - Reporting the Visible World: Documentary Illustrated Storytelling
PCSP 0862 - Telling Your Story: First-Person Illustrated Journalism and Memoir
PCSP 0863 - Illustrated Journalism and Memoir Authors Group
PCSP 0870 - Equity in Design Process and Systems
PCSP 0871 - Building Inclusive Design Cultures
PCSP 0872 - Dimensions of Social Justice in Design Industries
PCSP 0875 - Introduction to Biodesign
PCSP 0880 - AI Concepts and Applications for Creatives
PCSP 0881 - Harnessing AI in Creative Organizations
PCSP 1501 - Intensive Lighting Design Studio
PCSP 2001 - Practical Quantum Computing
PSDS 2530 - Community Supported Textiles
UGLB 2111 - Global Economies
UGLB 3515 - Politics of Violence
UGLB 3540 - Prisons & Punishment
UGLB 3615 - Infrastructure, Power & Protest
UGLB 4033 - United Nations & World Order
UGLB 4035 - UN Practicum
UTNS 0500 - Venture Lab
UURB 2005 - Cities of the Global South
UURB 3111 - Freedom Cities
UURB 3274 - Urban Food Systems
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