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SIS Instructor Wendy Letven's Exhibition "Patterns of Thought"

February 3, 2022


Wendy Letven


Wendy Letven recently shared the inspiration behind her new exhibition "Patterns of Thought." Letven is the instructor of the Design Explorations: Graphic Design and Illustration course in our Summer Intensive Studies program. The exhibition will be on display from February 1st to April 4th with Arts Brookfield for Brookfield Place in Manhattan.

Can you tell us what inspired Patterns of Thought?

Yes! On the surface, pattern is often excused as being merely decorative. But I have always felt it is just the opposite. Patterns define our forms. They are a part of the way things grow and change, seen in inexplicable varieties in nature, in human-made structures which mimic nature, in music, in dance... everywhere! Around the time I heard about this show possibility I began thinking about patterns within us coursing through our minds and bodies. When I closed my eyes images and forms of different types came to me. So the inspiration came from within, from this new line of inquiry into pattern, by asking myself a question with each work.

Wendy Letven

What inspired the title?

When I began thinking more deeply about pattern within ourselves and as a part of our thinking, the title, PATTERNS OF THOUGHT just came to me. I always give my subconscious mind a bit of time to do the work of titling, because a lot of connections need to be made to articulate most ideas in just a few words. I adore coming up with titles as a part of the process. A good title can help steer a body of work in some cases.

How did the commission with Arts Brookfield for Brookfield Place come about? Were you inspired by the surroundings when you created it? How so?

This is the second time I have been asked by Arts Brookfield to create artwork for the public spaces of Brookfield Properties. So, as my ideas coalesced, I was already familiar with the long Winter Garden Gallery wall where my work would be featured. I imagined a succession of several related works would utilize the space best. And although my work is abstract, it does rely on iconic symbols, a kind of language that is familiar and invites the viewer to engage in their own interpretation of it. My hope is that passersby will see the work on this very long wall and will stop to wonder at the relationship between each.

Learn more about the exhibit and check out the courses in our Summer Intensive Studies program.

Wendy Letven

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